RUKOBIA, with other medications, helped reduce the HIV viral load for people with no or limited options left*

In a ~5-year clinical study of 371 adults with HIV-1, RUKOBIA was added to their other HIV-1 medicines and was evaluated at Day 8, and Weeks 24, 96, and 240.

People who entered the study met the following criteria:

  • The virus was detectable while on their current medicines (viral load ≥400 copies/mL)
  • The virus was resistant to many HIV‍‍-‍1 treatments
  • They had limited treatment options (no more than 2 antiretroviral classes remaining)

The study included people with advanced HIV‍‍-‍1:

  • 89% had a viral load of >1000 copies/mL
  • 75% had CD4+ T-cell counts of <200 cells/mm3
  • 86% had a history of AIDS
  • 30% had CD4+ T-cell counts of <20 cells/mm3

RUKOBIA was studied in a diverse group of people

*Results may vary.

CD4+ T-cells (also called T-cells) are white blood cells that help fight infections. CD4+ T-cell count is the number of CD4+ T-cells per mm3 of blood.

One patient was 17 years of age at enrollment and was classified as a protocol deviation.

§Patients in the Hispanic ethnic group could also be included in a racial group.

AIDS=acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; HIV-1=human immunodeficiency virus type-1; MDR=multidrug-resistant.

A ~5-year clinical study showed that RUKOBIA helped reduce viral load

Average viral load decrease at Day 8

On Day 9, all participants still on their current medicines were changed to RUKOBIA along with other medicines# that best fit the needs of each person for the rest of the study.

Results may vary.

Calculated from viral load changes: -0.79 log₁₀ (RUKOBIA + current medicines) and -0.17 log₁₀ (sugar pill + current medicines).

#The other medicines were based on the needs of each person and the number of active antiretroviral therapies remaining to replace their current medicines, which had stopped working.

Some people reached undetectable and remained undetectable through ~5 years||

More than half of the 272 people who took RUKOBIA along with other treatment medicines reached undetectable by 24 weeks, and 45% remained undetectable at Week 240.

People who reached undetectable

  • Undetectable means reducing the HIV-1 in your blood to very low levels
  • In the study, undetectable was defined as <40 copies/mL

||Results may vary.

Some participants had improved CD4+ T-cell counts on RUKOBIA**

With other treatment medicines, RUKOBIA helped to increase the number of infection-fighting CD4+ T‍-‍cells in the immune system.

Average increase in CD4+ T‑cell counts from Day 0

**Results may vary.

Learn how RUKOBIA works differently to prevent HIV-1 from attaching to your healthy immune cells